Sunday, March 29, 2020

2020 FQA or Financial Quality Assurance Exam - Questions to Be Examined

2020 FQA or Financial Quality Assurance Exam - Questions to Be Examined2020 FQA or Financial Quality Assurance exam is intended to test your knowledge of financial concepts. These are in the form of questions on accounting and bookkeeping. If you take the class for the first time, you will find these quite daunting, especially since there are many issues to be discussed. However, with a little help, you can make the task seem much easier.Financial Accounting is one of the most common subjects taught in a college and university. However, most people do not find it interesting because it is something they are not completely familiar with. This will lead them to take the test in order to prove that they understand the subject matter. In order to answer the queries posed by the examiner, you must be able to read books and notes regarding the subject. You can use the bookkeeping software to check your accounts regularly, especially if you have very little experience.One thing you must kno w about the subject is that it has many parts to it. There are different parts of the financial statement to be reviewed. The basic part of the financial statement is called the Balance Sheet. This simply means the accounting of the bank account, which would show you all the money that you have at the bank account.If you are an accountant, you may have seen a balance sheet. This simply means a financial statement where you can see all the money that you have at the bank account.A statement is also the same way, except that it includes the interest payments that you receive from a loan, and also a statement would include the stock investment statements and the investment statements from mutual funds. Another part would be the income statement, which would simply show the income that you receive each month. All these statements are covered in the statement.The second part of the financial statement would be the Statement of Cash Flow. This would be used to evaluate the performance of the company. It is known as the 'cash flow statement' and it is an integral part of the financial statement. This is because when you invest money, the amount you have invested would also represent the amount of money that would come out of the investment.There are also many different types of statements. For example, the statement of equity or the statement of retained earnings will show the profits made by the company. This statement will be more detailed than the balance sheet. If you find it hard to comprehend all the components of this financial statement, you can read up on it online.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Its Critical! What Each of the 14 Critical Languages Offers Learners

Its Critical! What Each of the 14 Critical Languages Offers Learners Its Critical! What Each of the 14 Critical Languages Offers Learners Is anyone on this plane a polyglot?!Thats not a sentence you expect to hear in a Hollywood disaster film, is it?However much you may love the idea of learning languages, you probably wouldnt call it critical.When youre learning to conjugate verbs, you dont imagine lives hanging in the balance.When you practice speaking with an exchange partner, you dont fantasize about being the hero who saves the day.As you work on honing your listening, you dont think about how this skill could put you in control of a situation where others depend on you.Unless of course you do, in which case youre totally in the right place.Because in the post, were going to talk about how some languages are literally categorized as critical.By their nature, these are languages that will open up the window to a world of unique opportunities for travel, employment and moreâ€"if you learn them.And dont worry, well look at how to do that, too! What Are Critical Languages?A critical language is one which the United States government has deemed not only strategically important for the country, but also with demand outstripping supply of speakers. Basically, there arent enough Americans who speak these languages!Often these languages are considered important for reasons of diplomacy, trade and national security. Theyre not set in stone: Theyve changed many times over the years, and at the moment there are 14 of them.Were going to look at each one in turn shortly, but first its worth noting thatâ€"while the term is a U.S. designationâ€"its easy for anyone in the English-speaking world to see why these might be important in an international sense. Due to their status as critical, anyone who attains proficiency in these tongues has improved career prospects, whether in government, international companies, NGOs or security services.How Can You Learn Them?First, lets get this out there: By their very nature, these languages are often more challenging than others, at least for native English speakers. The reason theres a shortage of speakers is not only due to them being less mainstream than languages like Spanish and French in schools and everyday society, but also because its often much harder to reach a good level. Thats not to say its impossible, thoughâ€"and if you are able to commit, the rewards are significant.If youre  really interested and youre in the U.S., lucky you. Take a look at the Critical Language Scholarship or the National Security Education Program. Both of these are government-funded programs to get bright and committed students of the language up to a level where they can use it in professional settings. They recognize that its not usually something you took in high school, so there isnt a need to be fluent already; however, you should expect a college-level education and an immersive experience living in a country that speaks your target language. Basically, this is not for the casual learner!If youre not quite ready to pack your bags or youre not an Ameri can citizen, its time to find a different route. Obviously, in an ideal world youd be able to interact with members of your community who are native speakers, but given the nature of the languages these opportunities may be fewer and further between. A  staffer at the State Department compiled  this list  of suggestionsâ€"one of the keys for him was taking hard classes with grammar.No matter what your level of interest, online resources are a great option for exploring, learning and supplementing any official training for these languages.Having said that, since by nature some of these languages are less mainstream, they might be trickier to find online. Here are some tips for where to start:While theyre less likely to be present than others, some of the languages below can be found on popular online resources that offer complete learning programs. For example, you can start learning Mandarin Chinese, Korean, Japanese or Russian right here on FluentU. FluentU is perfect for learning languages for real-world application, as it takes real-world videosâ€"like movie trailers, news, music videos and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized language lessons.If you have your heart set on learning Azerbaijani or Bengali, you might have to look a little deeper. Some enthusiastic amateurs are up on YouTube to teach you the basics of less popular languagesâ€"for example, have a look at  this Azerbaijani lesson.Meanwhile, there are free websites out there like  that will teach you the basics of grammar and vocab in a variety of languages to help you get started. Even if you have to use multiple resources to tackle different parts of one language, it all adds up.Once you have beginner elements down, the best next step is to find a language partner. If you dont happen to have a Bangla or Punjabi community on your doorstep, italki allows you to find the perfect exchange partner whos looking to learn a language you speakâ€"all online!Guys, nobody said this was going to be easy! But once youve taken the first steps into learning a critical language, I know youre going to see the pay-off.Its Critical! What Each of the 14 Critical Languages Offers LearnersOkay, lets get down to businessâ€"what are these 14 tongues that are so highly prized? Were going to go through each of them, tell you a little about them, then raise a warning about what makes them tough but also give you a great reason why theyre worth studying.Keep in mind that these descriptions dont even come close to covering everything about each language and that theyre intended mostly for the perspective of an English-speaking (and particularly American) audienceâ€"so if one of these languages interests you, dig in and find out more about what it can do for you!Ill leave it to you to decide which one (or few!) to go forArabicI think you could have guessed this one was going to pop up hereAccording to the CLS website, almost 300 million people speak Arabic. Aside from the s heer volume of speakers, Arabic makes the list due to being the primary language of the Middle East and North Africa, regions with which the U.S. has had a troubled political history. That makes it all the more important to have proficient Arabic speakers in a variety of roles and situations, from immigration to intelligence.What to watch out for:  As Arabic is so widely spoken, there are numerous dialectic variations. What you might hear in Morocco is very different from Lebanon, and both are different from Modern Standard Arabic. Even when youve got the basics down, theres a whole world out there.Why to study it:  The size of the Arabic-speaking world is also its primary attraction, even if government work doesnt float your boat. Lots of big companies need people who speak the languageâ€"and it offers travel prospects galore!AzerbaijaniWe go from a language you definitely would have guessed to one you probably wouldnt have. Azerbaijan is not usually at the top of peoples travel it ineraries (although there are plenty of reasons why it should be), but the U.S. government considers the Azeri language to be vital. With groups like Al-Qaeda having a history of operating in Azerbaijan, as well as Azerbaijani being spoken in parts of old adversary Iran, this is considered an important language for national security.What to watch out for:  For English speakers living in English-speaking countries, this is a language that might not come quite so much in handy in everyday life.Why to study it:  Despite it being quite a unique language, it has a lot of crossover with Turkishâ€"another language on this listâ€"meaning itll put you in a position to be even better equipped with critical languages.Bangla/BengaliBengali is the official language of Bangladesh as well as the second most spoken language in India and the seventh most spoken in the world. Youd be keeping good company if you picked this one up!What to watch out for:  Bangla is not so much one consistent language a s a series of many dialectsâ€"not all of which are mutually intelligible.Why to study it: As the economy and global standing of South Asia grows, this language is beneficial not only for careers in government but also in business, research and non-profits. It also has a rich and beautiful literature to explore, making this far more than just a purely practical addition to your linguistic arsenal.Chinese (Mandarin)Another of the more predictable entries on this list: China is a super-power and very competitive with the U.S. on the global stage. In fact, its currently predicted that it will overtake the States as the worlds dominant economy before 2030. No wonder the Americans want people who can communicate with them!What to watch out for:  With thousands of characters in use, Chinese presents some memorization challenges. Meanwhile, it is one of the more popular languages on this list, so it might not be the one to choose if you want to set yourself apart from the crowd.Why to study it:  Mandarin Chinese is the most spoken language on the planet and its speakers are not only confined to the most populous country in the world but spread all over. A few words of Mandarin can go a long way in Beijing, Brooklyn, Brisbane or BelfastHindiAnother of the behemoths of the language world. Along with Chinese, English and Spanish, Hindi is one of the most spoken languages in the world. Around 40% of the population of India has Hindi as a mother tongue. With Indians being among the worlds most emigrant populations, youll find Hindi speakers in all corners of the world.What to watch out for:  The sounds in Hindi can seem quite alien to English speakers, and it requires a more flexible tongue.Why to study it:  This is a personal one, but Ive always found the curling, dangling Devanagari scriptâ€"which is used to write Hindiâ€"beautiful. How wonderful would it be to master that?Indonesian (Bahasa)Would you have put this one on the list? I wouldnt have, but actually its easy t o see why  its here. Indonesia is the worlds most populous Islamic country. At the same time, only hundreds of Americans a year enroll in collegiate Indonesian courses. Pretty exclusive club, eh?What to watch out for:  Unlike some of the other languages on this list, Indonesian tends to be more focused in a single country, making this a skill thats difficult to transfer.Why to study it:  If you get a chance to travel to Indonesia, it really is stunningâ€"and we all know that traveling with the native language under your belt is always better. This also tends to be one of the easier non-European languages for an English speaker to master.JapaneseAnother language more focused in an individual country is Japanese. However, Japan is an economic and cultural powerhouse of East Asia, and speakers of this language are much sought after. Youd also be able to access a literary tradition that includes the famous  haiku style of poetry and contemporary novelists like Haruki Murakami, while oth er forms of Japanese culture like anime have impressive reach around the world.What to watch out for:  Japanese may be more commonly seen in international media, but the Foreign Service Institute considers it to be one of the very hardest languages to learn.Why to study it: Lots of reasons! Whether its being able to wander the streets of the busiest metropolitan area in the world, order like a native in your favorite noodle bar or relate to more than a million people who are Japanese or of Japanese descent around the worldâ€"Japan has given a great deal to the world and it can only be enriched by getting a grasp of the language.KoreanStaying in East Asia, Korean also makes it onto our list. The unstable relationship between Pyongyang and Washington stretching back through a history of U.S. involvement in Korea, along with the importance of North-South Korean relations on the world stage, makes this a crucial language.What to watch out for: Korean is considered a language isolate, me aning no other languages are properly connected to it. This makes it difficult to learn and difficult to transfer.Why to study it:  While North Korea is inaccessible to most, South Korea is one of the most fascinating countries on the planet. Pay a visit to bustling Seoul,  share a soju with some locals and get insight into its unique work-hard-play-hard culture.Persian (Farsi)Again, this is a language considered important primarily due to the country its spoken in, in this case Iran. For decades, Iran and the U.S. have been at loggerheads culturally, economically, militarilyâ€"you name it. Despite this, Farsi isnt very widely spoken in America.What to watch out for:  As relations are strained, the U.S. Government advises against travel to Iran  due to the risk of arbitrary arrest and detention of U.S. citizens.Why to study it:  In addition to the job prospects that put it on this list, Persia is one of the most historically important regions on earth. As the language remained relat ively unchanged for centuries, its fairly easy for newer students to delve into epic poets like Hafez, writer of numerous proverbs.PunjabiLike Hindi and Bengali, Punjabi is a language widely spoken in India. But it might be its status as the most spoken language in Pakistanâ€"a country that American intelligence services keep a close eye onâ€"that puts it on this list.What to watch out for:  Punjabi is written in two different scripts: Arabic and Gurmukhi. These can be difficult for foreigners to get the hang of.Why to study it:  Punjabi speakers are all over the globe, meaning youd have plenty of people to chat with. In fact, Punjabi is one of the most spoken languages in the United Kingdom!RussianAlong with the U.S. and China, Russia is normally mentioned as the third big superpower. Its relationship with the U.S. has been fraught, and particularly recently. You can see, then, why its important to have Americans who can speak Russian!What to watch out for:  Russian grammar include s some grammatical concepts that are more foreign to English speakers, like cases.Why to study it:  One of the most enduring languages on this list, Russian is spoken in the largest country on earth. Its also widely spoken in other parts of Eastern Europe and particularly ex-Soviet states, where its often the normal second language studied in schools.SwahiliOne of the most well known African languages, Swahili is spoken across a number of countries in Eastern and Southeastern Africa. Its origins are very different from all others in this list as it stems from Bantu roots.What to watch out for:  Given that origin, if youre primarily familiar with English and European languages, theres less crossover, meaning a lot more study of vocabulary.Why to study it:  With many international businesses looking to expand their presence in East Africa, Swahili offers a plethora of job opportunities. It also shares some vocabulary with Arabic, giving you greater access to another critical language. TurkishIf youve ever seen photos of Istanbulâ€"stunning mosques atop crowded hills overlooking the Bosphorusâ€"youll know some of the attraction of Turkey. Its a bridge between continents, an amazing travel location with a fascinating language. That said, it has had a turbulent time recently, with border regions suffering fighting and a government accused of human rights abuses, meaning the world watches it closely.What to watch out for:  Like some other languages on the list, Turkish is challenging as it doesnt share as many cognates with other languages you may be familiar with.Why to study it:  Turkey spans regions, and appropriately its language will give you access to a significant area of the world. On the one hand, it opens up other Turkic languages like Turkmen, Kazakh and Uzbek; culturally and politically, meanwhile, Turkey has strong links with Arab countriesâ€"this language may be of great interest to Arabic speakers looking to deepen their understanding of the region.Urd uUrdu is another tongue from Northern India and Pakistan. We spoke earlier about the importance of Pakistan to U.S. interests; while Punjabi is the most spoken language in the country, Urdu is an  official language, giving it significant value.What to watch out for:  Like in English, pronunciation can be tricky in Urdu. Its important to memorize vocabulary with the accurate way of saying each word.Why to study it:  As well as the advantages it gives you for speaking to Pakistanis, Urdu is very similar to Hindi. So a whole swathe of South Asiaâ€"and two critical languagesâ€"is opened up to you.Convinced?Learning a critical language is quite an undertaking, but the payoff is undeniable.Happy studying!

8 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Accepting an Internship

8 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Accepting an Internship via Unsplash Do I Have Time for an Internship? An internship can range from 10 hours a week to 40 hours a week. It’s important to take a look at your schedule for the semester or summer and make sure you have time for the internship. If you are taking classes, it’s important for you to balance your homework and studying with your internship. Keep in mind that you may have to commute to your internship, so make sure to plan for that when creating your class schedule. If you feel that you will be too overwhelmed taking on an internship, it probably isn’t the right one for you. How Far is the Commute? Where will you be interning? How far away from your school is it? If you have to commute to another city to get to your internship, think about how much time you’ll be dedicating to just the travel. If it’s a timely commute, will the experience be worth it? You also have to think about how you will be getting to your internship. If taking public transportation or driving, you should consider how much it will cost to get back and forth. Is This the Kind of Experience I’m Looking For? There are too many stories where college students get an internship position but do menial tasks like getting coffee or filing paperwork. You want valuable, hands-on experience at your internship where you can learn about the industry and put yourself ahead of other job applicants when it comes time to graduate. Talk to other people who have interned for the company before or read reviews online to help decide if this is the type of experience you are looking for in an internship. via Unsplash What Do I Expect to Get Out of an Internship? People decide to have an internship for many different reasons. Sometimes it’s to receive a job offer after graduation. Sometimes it’s to make connections in the industry. Other times it’s simply to fill college requirements. Think about what you expect to get out of an internship. If you feel that the internship that has been offered to you can fulfill your expectations, then it may be the right one for you. What Is the Company Culture? It’s important to like where you work, even if it’s just during a short internship. A great workplace and happy company culture will dramatically affect your overall happiness. You don’t want to dread going to your internship! During your interview, make sure to ask what the company culture is like. Is it laid back? Is it demanding? Decide whether the company’s atmosphere fits your needs for an internship before accepting it. Will I Receive College Credit? Something else to consider before accepting an internship is if you will receive college credit for it. When you receive credit for an internship, it means you don’t have to take some classes because your internship will act as if you are taking a class. This is important when it comes to fitting the internship into your schedule and deciding if it is worth your time or not. via Unsplash Is it a Paid Internship? Will you receive compensation for your internship? If so, how much? If you aren’t receiving college credit, then the next best thing is getting paid for your internship. That way you get something other than experience out of it. Can I Afford an Unpaid Internship? If your internship does not offer any compensation, it’s time to look at the old bank account and figure out if you can afford an unpaid internship. Calculate your travel expenses to and from the internship. Also look at any other bills you may have to pay. Do you have another source of income that you can rely on? It’s okay if you do not accept an internship because it isn’t paid if the experience doesn’t outweigh the compensation. However, if you feel that the experience you will get is more valuable than getting paid, then the internship is probably right for you. Accepting Your Internship After asking yourself these questions, it’s time to determine if you should accept the internship position that was offered to you. You want to get the most valuable experience from the internship while ensuring that you can afford to do it with both your time and money. Remember, if this position isn’t right for you, one that is will come your way!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Intense Sexual Chemistry Signs - What You Should Know

Intense Sexual Chemistry Signs - What You Should KnowIt's easy to read the lines and be sure that a woman has a deep and intense sexual chemistry with you. But if you have read those lines, you might have been making assumptions. What I am suggesting is that, contrary to what you might think, having an intense sexual chemistry with a woman does not mean that she loves you. It is, rather, about understanding one another.It's all about emotional depth. Emotional depth doesn't have anything to do with sex. In fact, in many ways it is directly connected to sex. Women who have a strong emotional connection to you have many more options when it comes to making sexual choices.To put it in simpler terms, having a strong emotional connection to someone can mean the difference between getting her down on the floor and simply refusing to give in. Remember, she was attracted to you because of your charisma, wit, and intelligence. She wants you to have the ability to move from being a friend to a lover. You have to develop that ability, too.The key is in knowing where you need to work on developing your emotional connection. If you aren't sure what it is, ask around. Ask friends, relatives, and even family physicians. Be open-minded, because there will be different opinions from different people. They may tell you that having an intense sexual chemistry with a woman means she has the strength of will to give up the love for a man.Or maybe she just has the inability to choose between a man. In this case, it is not the level of intensity, but the amount of romance she feels. Women love romance. If you have not developed a special relationship with her, she will have to go find one.You can actually use this knowledge to help you build stronger emotional connections with women. Remember, you want them to want you as much as you want them. You also need to keep yourself in line with how you are relating to them. There are people who seem quite like 'cats and dogs' but still have a strong emotional connection. Be the same type of person.The most important thing to remember when trying to develop a passionate woman is that you will feel out of your depth. Have fun!

Benefits and Disadvantages of a Chemistry Tutor at Atlanta Ga

Benefits and Disadvantages of a Chemistry Tutor at Atlanta GaIf you are thinking about taking up a Chemistry Tutor at Atlanta Ga, you should know the advantages and disadvantages of doing so. There are a lot of people out there who cannot afford a full-time school like in college but still want to pursue their career with an associate's degree or an entry level position in a laboratory.You should understand that if you are going to continue to study at your college, you will need a high school diploma to qualify for the admission in these colleges, and college degrees are only awarded to those who are able to pay for it. There are ways for you to find free college books and other resources that can help you.One of the advantages of finding a chemistry tutor is that you will learn more from them, especially if they have the proper training. They will be very helpful to you if you are starting your career as a Chemistry Chemist, so it is important that you go ahead and find the best on e that suits your needs.The first disadvantage of having a Chemistry Tutor at Atlanta Ga is that you need to meet all the requirements, which you will not do because you are not at your college yet. When you do get enrolled at your college, you will need to leave campus and attend classes in a classroom. That means that you will not have the flexibility to attend your job during the day and still study.Another disadvantage is that it can cost you more money since you will need to pay for travel expenses and the accommodations. You will also have to pay for the tuition fee at your college, which can be quite expensive. Sometimes these expenses might make it impossible for you to finish your studies.Another disadvantage of working with a tutor at Atlanta is that you will have to live in the area as well. This means that if you arenot at your home yet, then you will need to commute to the campus and when you go back to your home, you will need to find another place to stay. The best th ing you can do is to find a place close to your home and to work from there.There are lots of advantages to having a Chemistry Tutor at Atlanta GA. This is where you get to experience all the excitement of taking a college degree without having to leave your home.

American University Professor Gerald Watkins Chadwick Made A Quantum Leap In Chemistry

American University Professor Gerald Watkins Chadwick Made A Quantum Leap In ChemistryIn Chemistry, American University professor Gerald Watkins Chadwick contributed to chemistry by defining the universal atom. Chadwick was a Cambridge University mathematician and philosopher. His contribution in science began in 1907, when he published his 'Elementary Principles of Chemistry'.Chadwick's achievement was similar to other scientists whose first contributions are not known. In other fields, such as in medicine, astronomy or law, some scientist who did something groundbreaking do not get their achievements recognised.The process that Chadwick used to define the atomic nucleus of a compound is the same method that astronomers use to describe the atomic structure of a planet or star. The atomic nuclei of atoms are classified in terms of their 'charge' or their 'mass'. This classification is very important for atomic theory because it tells scientists what the 'weight'thickness' of an atom is, where mass is measured in Joules.Before Chadwick's work, physicists could only measure mass. The method of weightless atoms had no place in their studies. It was, therefore, up to Chadwick to devise a way to see whether molecules were truly being weighed down by a mass or if they simply were being assessed by the properties of an observer. He used the microscope to enable him to check the results.The method that Chadwick used to describe 'natural' atoms is still used today. Chadwick worked on the idea that molecules can exist in three states - metallic, liquid and gas. They can also exist in different molecular masses.Chadwick's contributions to chemistry were considered revolutionary at the time. While they have since been adopted and refined, the key idea that Chadwick worked with has remained with us for hundreds of years. The atomic weights of atoms, combined with the fact that they are the closest thing to a precise measurement of the mass and density, means that there are many ways to derive specific values of mass and density for different atoms. Chadwick would never have imagined the possibility of a vacuum.Chadwick was instrumental in establishing the principles of modern physics as we know it today. His contributions are considered vital to the continued progress of physics and chemistry.

Antiderivative of X

Antiderivative of X Anti-derivatives is the reverse or opposite of derivatives. Here the function given is x and the exponent to which the variable is raised is 1. The power rule is used to find the anti-derivative for any function which contains a variable raised to an exponent.According to the power rule any function which has the variable raised to the power n is written as xn has theanti-derivative = xn dx= x(n+1)/ (n+1) + c.Hence the anti- derivative of the function x is 1x2/2. Example 1: Find the anti-derivative of the function f(x) = x + 6x3 Here the given function is f(x) = x + 6x3 The anti-derivative of x is 1/2 * x2 Using the power rule, the anti-derivative of 6x3 has to be found. Power rule states that anti-derivative of xn = xn dx= x(n+1)/ (n+1) + c Therefore, the anti-derivative of 6x3 is 6x4/4. Hence F(x) = 1x2/2 + 3x4/2 + c Example 2: Find the anti-derivative of the function f(x) = 15 x. Here the given function is f(x) = 15 - 3x. The anti-derivative of x is 1/2 x2 Using the power rule, the anti-derivative of 15 has to be found. Power rule states that anti-derivative of xn = xn dx= x(n+1)/ (n+1) + c 15 can be written as 15 x0. Therefore, the anti-derivative of 15 x0 is 15x1 Hence F(x) = 15 x -x2/2 + c